Expressions of PosAutivity #AutismPositivity2014

We know you have been waiting… and we have been working and organizing behind the scenes and now we are excited to announce:

The Third Annual Autism Positivity Flashblog on April 30th, 2014!!

Join us in honouring diverse forms of communication and in celebrating Autism Acceptance and we will once again flood Google with positive messages about Autism. 

“Expressions of PosAutivity: #AutismPositivity2014”

Screen shot 2014-04-21 at 6.45.04 PMExpressions of PosAutivity is intended to be a celebration of the multiple and varied ways to express experience or convey ideas. This year we hope to highlight the importance of flexibility in communication within our diverse community and honour multiple forms of personal expression, from the written word, to art, to photography, or a video (as a link), or…

We invite you to explore, share, and celebrate your moments, stories, or images of courage, strength,  and/or positive identity and pride in a way that speaks to you and rails against stigma. Express something PosAutive about autism, about being Autistic, or about the Autistic person/people in your life, etc.

Last year and the year before, hundreds of bloggers came together in a show of support and solidarity in response to negative stigma. The posts that came flooding in from all over the world were a beautiful example of the power of strength in numbers. With so much negativity still surrounding Autism and the misinformation and misconceptions that continue to abound, we this year invite you to participate in an intentional celebration of acceptance intended to highlight the importance of flexibility in communication within our diverse community.

We welcome all of you, anyone who is Autistic, anyone who has an Autistic person in their life, and all who blog about autism to share a message of support, wisdom, hope, and pride to this year’s flashblog by posting to

Please join with us on the last day of Autism Acceptance Month – April 30th, 2014 – in a Flash Blog of Autism Positivity.

To participate:

1. Publish your post on April 30th in the following title format: “[Your Blog] Expressions of PosAutivity: #AutismPositivity2014″

2. Share your post on Twitter, Facebook, and any other social media site using the hashtag #AutismPositivity2014

3. Add your link to the Autism Positivity website (submit here or above) and grab the badge from the page tab above.

4. Share/reblog this message to your blog, page, etc.


Thank you,

The Autism Positivity Project Flashblog Team, 2014

If you have any questions, please contact us at

We can also be found on:




Twitter: @PositivityAutie

5 responses to “Expressions of PosAutivity #AutismPositivity2014

  1. Pingback: Expressions of PosAutivity #AutismPositivity2014 | Thirty Days of Autism

  2. Pingback: You Are Getting Very Sleepy | Musings of an Aspie

  3. Pingback: Behavior is Communication: Are Your Listening | Musings of an Aspie

  4. Pingback: Asperoomies – Expressions of PosAutivity: #AutismPositivity2014 | Asperoomies

  5. chels744

    I am going to be months overdue on this, but I say autism positivity year-round.

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